2-days CSRD Implementation Course

 Special 2-for-1 offer – Sign up for our 2-day CSRD course and bring a colleague along for free!

Available course dates:

29-30th of August 2024

Go to signup form

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Why is the CSRD relevant?

The EU has adopted the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and it comes into force from the financial year 2024 with a step-by-step expansion of the companies that will be covered. Each EU member state must adopt national legislation to implement the directive before end of June 2024.  

The CSRD Directive replaces the existing EU Directive on non-financial reporting, which in Denmark is introduced in the Danish Financial Statements Act. 

Why should you participate? 

The new CSRD Directive defines more detailed sustainability reporting requirements for large companies and listed SMEs and describes how to report on environmental and social rights and responsible corporate governance. 

This course will thus provide you with an overview of the CSRD, including theory and a practical approach to implementing it in your organisation with detailed knowledge and insight into:   

  • A proven methodology that will ensure efficiency and compliance in the process 
  • The CSRD’s regulatory sustainability reporting requirements 
  • ESRS with a deep dive into double materiality – as well as methodology and implementation 
  • Assessing which areas are particularly challenging  
  • Understanding how working with CSRD can be a strategic lever to meet current and future demands and expectations from customers, investors, users of financial and non-financial statements, and others 

Course overview 

The 2-day course starts with a relevant overview of the new EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive and introduces the new detailed legal reporting requirements. During the course, we will also present the detailed requirements of the CSRD as they are being implemented in Danish legislation. After introducing the nuts and bolts of the CSRD’s requirements, the course will move into hands-on exercises which will provide participants with valuable takeaways which can be applied to their own companies. 

Participants will leave the course and return to their organisations with a working product which is already started—offering a head start on performing the requirements of the CSRD and reporting. 



Participants will take home with them the tools necessary to do the following:  

  • Understand the intricacies of the CSRD’s reporting requirements 
  • Conduct sustainability analyses on their respective organisations 
  • Find and track sustainability data 
  • Form the teams required to carry out the requirements of the CSRD 
  • Report on disclosure requirements contained within the CSRD and the ESRS 
  • Turn high quality reported data into decision-making and sustainability integration 

Primary target group

The course is aimed at ESG/ Sustainability/ CSR/ Human Rights/ Business Ethics/ Compliance managers/finance management, and those who deal with corporate sustainability strategy, impact, risk and opportunities, as well as environmental, social and governance (ESG) standards. 


Business functions for which the course is particularly relevant: 

  • Those who are creating an overview of, or are overseeing, the new non-financial sustainability reporting roles and functions within an organisation,  
  • Those who are conducting sustainability analyses on their organisations for the purposes of reporting under the CSRD, 
  • Those who ensure compliance with the new requirements, and/or 
  • Those who are creating the framework for and driving organisational change for responsible business conduct and behaviour 


Course language: English – OBS: kurset udbydes på dansk ved efterspørgsel 

Location: Rambøll – Hannemanns Allé 53, 2300 København S

Course duration: 2 days (09.00-16.00)

Price: 22.500 DKK excl. VAT –  Price includes our special 2-for-1 offer: Sign up and bring a colleague along for free!

Sign up here! 

Sign up for our 2-day CSRD course and bring a colleague along for free!

Course Instructors

Joachim Delventhal

Senior Advisor, Ramboll Strategic Sustainability Consulting
Specialist in Responsible Business Conduct and CSRD
+45 51 61 36 96Denmark

Patrick Moloney

Director, Sustainability Consulting Denmark

Cecilie Haugen Ngwenya

Specialist in Sustainability Strategy
+45 5381 6168Denmark

Thomas Trier Hansen

Chief Advisor
Leading expert on CSRD and RBC
+45 5161 2359Denmark

Selected Ramboll experts on topical ESRS will support the class for dedicated sessions